Our Group

About Us

Contrast for Life

Since 1926, the Guerbet Group has had a long-standing tradition as a pioneer in the research and development of medical imaging contrast media. Headquartered in Paris, France, Guerbet is a publicly traded company holding more than 25% of the European market share and 7% of the worldwide contrast media market.

Guerbet makes full use of its know-how and innovative capacity to meet the major public health challenges of the 21st century.

Our teams contribute to progress made in the diagnosis of major disease areas (cancer, cardiovascular, inflammatory and neurodegenerative diseases). Our novel and effective imaging solutions improve patient management throughout the world.

Our strategic vision

Demographics, medical progress and public health challenges all represent opportunities for Guerbet, and it is our capacity to seize them that will guarantee our sustainable development in the years to come.

Mission Statement

  • Contributing to diagnostic advances for major pathologies (cardiovascular diseases, cancers, inflammatory and neurodegenerative diseases) and improving the efficacy of therapeutic strategies.

  • Providing healthcare professionals with a comprehensive offering of innovative and effective contrast media and imaging solutions enabling them to fulfill their mission under optimal conditions for their patients.

  • Participating in meeting the major worldwide healthcare challenges.

An international ambition

Guerbet is basing its future on an ambitious strategy. Our goal: make our Group a major global player in medical imaging. This ambition is founded on the renewed trust placed in us both by customers and partners. Our success is based on three main strategies:

  • increase market share in the main global markets
  • develop new and effective products and injections solutions for X-ray techniques, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Nuclear Medicine
  • sharpen our competitive edge